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Temperature Screening Access control system

November 20, 2020

Pandemic covid-19 is affected globally, besides this pandemic COVID-19 we face few viruses in the last few years such as MERS, H1N1, SARS, Ebola etc., We should not let the COVID-19 to control our life, so we need to have a ready solution in each area where human interaction is required.
We, YD Signage located in Shenzhen has developed new product “Temperature Screening Access control system” to overcome the challenges during the Covid-19 for safe entry at Workplaces, Malls, Hospitals and Educational Institutions etc.,
The Product has Temperature recording, Facial recognition and Access card features to get into the workplace even post COVID-19, it can be a standalone or cluster of devices, also developed with cloud based server concept, so less hazel of maintaining a local server to manage the data.
Administrator able to set/adjust the parameters such as capture the temperature of the Human in 0.5 -1.5Meter distance with safe temperature. control the access door such as turnstile at the entrance of the workplace. This device able to generate the automated report with the time stamp in Excel format for HR Monitoring purpose even the report able to submit to government organization when requested.